Transition from KS1 to KS2

Transition from KS1 to KS2 can be a big step for some children, so here is a comprehensive list of the important things you need to be aware of:

The first day of term

All the children in Key Stage 2 line up in the KS2 playground at 8.45am so that their class teacher can lead them into school and show them their cloakroom peg.


Teachers will continue to collect their class from the playground at 8.45am so that the children can enter and prepare themselves for registration which takes place at 8.50am. Please encourage your child to be at school on time so that a prompt start to the day is ensured.

Morning break

In KS2 children may bring a healthy snack from home (no chocolate bars or packets of crisps) to eat at break time. For reasons of safety, peanuts or peanut products are not allowed in school at any time as we have children in school who have severe reactions to these.


Lunchtime is from 12 noon until 1.10pm and dinners cost £2.90. You are required to pre-book your child’s meal choice, including if they are packed lunch via SchoolMoney. If your child goes into arrears, a text will be sent reminding you to add funds to your child’s account.

Lunch boxes should be clearly named as your child will store them in the classroom prior to lunchtime.


Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school on a Monday and they will be reminded to take it home on a Friday for washing. Keeping it in a draw string bag enables it to be hung on their cloakroom peg or kept in a box in the classroom. It is essential that all clothing is clearly named and after washing checks are made that the names are still visible. For indoor PE the children need red shorts and a white tee-shirt, whilst outside they may wear a tracksuit and trainers. They will also need a pair of clearly named indoor shoes, which can be left in school.

Water Bottles

All children require their own water bottle so that they can have a drink when they need one. It must be clearly named and taken home each evening so that it can be washed. Water is always available to the children.

Pencil Case

Children are allowed to bring one pencil case to school. Please be aware however, that all the equipment your child will need during the school day will be available to them in the classroom.

Collection of children at 3.30pm

If, for whatever reason, you are going to be late collecting your child at 3.30pm, please contact the school office. As the children in KS2 are not handed over to their parents by their teacher, please ensure they know to go to the office if they cannot locate the person collecting them. School will also explain this procedure to pupils at the start of the Autumn Term.

Class/Curriculum information

Please see the school website, and class pages for information regarding:

• Which Teaching Assistants are in your child’s class

• Which day your child has PE

• Which day your child has ‘show and tell’

• What happens with regard to spellings and homework

Curriculum Summaries are put on the website every term for you to download or a paper copy can be requested from the school office.

Instrumental Tuition

In KS2 your child is now offered an opportunity to play a musical instrument (currently clarinet, flute, guitar, violin, trumpet, French horn). Please contact the school office if you think your child might be interested. Bills are sent out termly and currently stand at somewhere between £40.00 and £50.00 per term. Instruments are available to hire from the Schools Music Service and details regarding this will be sent home with your child following a brief audition with the appropriate music teacher.

A music timetable is on the school website advising day and time for each instrument. There is also an East Riding timetable outlining which weeks the music teachers will be in school. Parents are charged for 30 lessons per year, however there are 34 teaching weeks (this allows for sickness, etc).

Term time holidays

At Walkington Primary School we are committed to working with other East Riding of Yorkshire Schools and the East Riding of Yorkshire Council to reduce the number of school days missed due to term time holidays.

This agreement has been drawn up and published as a term time holidays policy that headteachers shall adhere to when considering any parental requests. Please contact the School Office if you would like a copy of our leaflet.

Illness/medical/dental appointments

If your child is going to be absent, please let us know. The school office is open between 8.15am and 4.00pm to receive telephone calls. If there is no-one in the office, please leave a message on the answerphone and we will pick it up. It is important that you notify us immediately if your child is absent in an afternoon after going home for lunch.

REMINDER – if your child has either sickness or diarrhoea then they must be off school for a period of 48 hours.

If your child has a doctors/hospital/dentist appointment, please ensure the school office has sight of the appointment letter/card to enable them to keep accurate records.

School records

Parents are requested to supply a local emergency contact telephone number so that if they are unavailable when their child is taken ill, another suitable adult may be contacted. It is imperative that this information is kept up to date.

“Exciting activities, such as visits to places of worship, generate high levels of
interest and curiosity about the themes that pupils are studying.”

Ofsted comments

“From the moment pupils enter the school each day, they are greeted with respect and a genuine sense of care from the adults in the building.”

Ofsted comments

“Teachers plan interesting activities that motivate the pupils. Staff ensure that all pupils are valued and included in learning.”

Ofsted comments

“Learning in early years gets off to a good start. As a result of effective teaching and provision, children progress well from their starting points.”

Ofsted comments

“Pupils behave well and are polite, articulate and respectful.”

Ofsted comments

“The quality of teaching at Walkington Primary is underpinned by warm and caring
relationships between staff and pupils.”

Ofsted comments

“Governors are ambitious for the school. They challenge and support leaders effectively.”

Ofsted comments

“Leaders are well trained and use their knowledge of special educational needs to identify specific requirements at an early stage and provide timely support.”

Ofsted comments

“The broad curriculum provides a wide range of enriching experiences for pupils.”

Ofsted comments

“Governors have a good understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses and
are clear about priorities and plans for improvement.”

Ofsted comments

“The school’s welcoming and caring ethos is central to its work in raising standards for

Ofsted comments

“The school is a calm, orderly and purposeful place for pupils to make the most of their learning.”

Ofsted comments

“Improvements in the teaching of mathematics have helped to increase pupils’ progress and improve pupils’ ability to solve mathematical

Ofsted comments

“The passionate and effective leadership of senior leaders and the commitment of the staff have sustained the good quality of education at the school.”

Ofsted comments

“Staff welcome the professional development they receive and say that this makes a real difference to the quality of their teaching.”

Ofsted comments

“Teachers use their good subject knowledge to plan interesting tasks that engage

Ofsted comments

“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.”

Ofsted comments

“Staff encourage pupils to be resilient and take risks. Pupils know it is all right to get things wrong and that this is part of the process of learning.”

Ofsted comments

“Older pupils develop a good understanding of what they read. Leaders promote a love of reading and pupils say the school provides them with high-quality texts.”

Ofsted comments

“In all key stages, pupils are now making good progress from their starting points in reading, writing and mathematics.”

Ofsted comments

“Parents and carers who offered their views to inspectors were overwhelmingly positive about the experiences of their children.”

Ofsted comments

“By the end of Year 6, outcomes are high in reading and writing. In reading, they are
particularly high.”

Ofsted comments

“In mathematics lessons, resources are used well to enable pupils to visualise abstract ideas and to get a more secure understanding of number.”

Ofsted comments

“The teaching of reading is good. There is a consistent approach to the teaching of

Ofsted comments

“Pupils listen to the opinions of others and are keen to offer their views considerately and respectfully.”

Ofsted comments

“Adults give pupils
opportunities to share ideas and challenge their own thinking and this helps them to articulate their opinions with confidence.”

Ofsted comments

“The profile of sport has been raised and more pupils now compete in sporting

Ofsted comments

“Good teaching through early years and in key stage 1 ensures that the proportion of pupils passing the Year 1 phonics screening check is consistently above average.”

Ofsted comments

“Effective safeguarding procedures are in place. All staff have a clear understanding of how to keep pupils safe.”

Ofsted comments