Who Are Friends of Walkington School?

Friends of Walkington School are parent volunteers who work together to raise money for the school. With a fun and varied fundraising events calendar, Friends are instrumental in the provision of essential equipment from Phonics and IT equipment to Music and Sports resources, all of which benefit the whole school.

Friends are always keen to welcome parents who wish to be involved in this element of their children’s primary school journey. Whether it is helping at events, popping along to meetings, or joining the organising committee which meets monthly, all parents can help Friends as much or as little as they like.

If you would like to volunteer, share a fundraising idea or can offer help at any events, please email Friends at:

What type of thing do Friends do?

From themed colouring competitions and bake sales to dog shows, discos and black- tie dinner dances, Friends organise and host a mixture of fundraising activity throughout the school year so that there’s something to appeal to our entire school community. Friends are always open to new ideas and fundraising suggestions.

Other ways to help

From volunteering, baking goodies and buying event and raffle tickets, to donating a raffle prize or sponsoring refreshments at an event, there are many ways our school community helps Friends to fundraise for the school. Friends also run and benefit from initiatives that don’t require as much time or effort. These include:

Playing the School Draw

Friends run a Monthly School Draw which is a pay-in lottery scheme with winners taking a prize of either £70, £30 or £20 every month. Please ask at the school office if you would like a form to join in.

Labelling made easy

Friends have agreed a commission with Stikins so any name label orders with this specific company contributes to our fundraising efforts too! https://www.stikins.co.uk

Shopping that pays

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could also be raising money for Friends of Walkington School

With easyfundraising there are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to donate to Friends – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it will not cost you a penny extra to help raise funds.

All you need to do is:

1. Go to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/walkingtonschool/?utm_campaign=raise-more and join for free.

2. Every time you go to shop online, visit easyfundraising first to find the site you want and shop as normal.

3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will donate to Friends of Walkington School at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

Our current Friends of Walkington School are:

  • Lou Young – Chair

  • Kathie Wilkinson – Vice-Chair

  • Rose Sykes – Secretary

  • Amy Appleton – Treasurer

  • Chris Bagshaw

  • Fiona Baker

  • Julia Brooks

  • Kiara Dearing

  • Vicky Foster

  • Lindsay Thomas

  • Sally Lindley

  • Ellie Watters

  • Chris Bullough – Headteacher

“Improvements in the teaching of mathematics have helped to increase pupils’ progress and improve pupils’ ability to solve mathematical

Ofsted comments

“By the end of Year 6, outcomes are high in reading and writing. In reading, they are
particularly high.”

Ofsted comments

“In mathematics lessons, resources are used well to enable pupils to visualise abstract ideas and to get a more secure understanding of number.”

Ofsted comments

“The school’s welcoming and caring ethos is central to its work in raising standards for

Ofsted comments

“The teaching of reading is good. There is a consistent approach to the teaching of

Ofsted comments

“Adults give pupils
opportunities to share ideas and challenge their own thinking and this helps them to articulate their opinions with confidence.”

Ofsted comments

“Teachers use their good subject knowledge to plan interesting tasks that engage

Ofsted comments

“Good teaching through early years and in key stage 1 ensures that the proportion of pupils passing the Year 1 phonics screening check is consistently above average.”

Ofsted comments

“The quality of teaching at Walkington Primary is underpinned by warm and caring
relationships between staff and pupils.”

Ofsted comments

“From the moment pupils enter the school each day, they are greeted with respect and a genuine sense of care from the adults in the building.”

Ofsted comments

“Staff welcome the professional development they receive and say that this makes a real difference to the quality of their teaching.”

Ofsted comments

“Governors are ambitious for the school. They challenge and support leaders effectively.”

Ofsted comments

“Pupils listen to the opinions of others and are keen to offer their views considerately and respectfully.”

Ofsted comments

“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.”

Ofsted comments

“Effective safeguarding procedures are in place. All staff have a clear understanding of how to keep pupils safe.”

Ofsted comments

“In all key stages, pupils are now making good progress from their starting points in reading, writing and mathematics.”

Ofsted comments

“Older pupils develop a good understanding of what they read. Leaders promote a love of reading and pupils say the school provides them with high-quality texts.”

Ofsted comments

“The profile of sport has been raised and more pupils now compete in sporting

Ofsted comments

“Staff encourage pupils to be resilient and take risks. Pupils know it is all right to get things wrong and that this is part of the process of learning.”

Ofsted comments

“Pupils behave well and are polite, articulate and respectful.”

Ofsted comments

“The broad curriculum provides a wide range of enriching experiences for pupils.”

Ofsted comments

“Leaders are well trained and use their knowledge of special educational needs to identify specific requirements at an early stage and provide timely support.”

Ofsted comments

“Learning in early years gets off to a good start. As a result of effective teaching and provision, children progress well from their starting points.”

Ofsted comments

“The passionate and effective leadership of senior leaders and the commitment of the staff have sustained the good quality of education at the school.”

Ofsted comments

“Governors have a good understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses and
are clear about priorities and plans for improvement.”

Ofsted comments

“The school is a calm, orderly and purposeful place for pupils to make the most of their learning.”

Ofsted comments

“Parents and carers who offered their views to inspectors were overwhelmingly positive about the experiences of their children.”

Ofsted comments

“Exciting activities, such as visits to places of worship, generate high levels of
interest and curiosity about the themes that pupils are studying.”

Ofsted comments

“Teachers plan interesting activities that motivate the pupils. Staff ensure that all pupils are valued and included in learning.”

Ofsted comments