Year One are called Class KR. Mrs. Ratcliffe is the teacher and Mrs. Palin works in Year One for 4 days a week as the teaching assistant; every day except Thursday. On Wednesday afternoons Mrs. Palin teaches the class a P.E lesson and there is a second lesson on Thursday morning.
In Year One we continue to use the phonic scheme called Floppy’s Phonics and there will be a folder with further information about this in your child’s reading bag. The reading books will be changed by Mrs. Palin on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, if needed and where possible. Please make sure that you have signed the reading record book to confirm whether the book has been finished. We listen to the children read every week in a focused guided reading session. This book may be a different text to the one which the children bring home and will not be recorded in their home/school reading record book. The idea of the home reading book is to practise the skills taught in the weekly guided reading and phonics sessions. In Year One we do not routinely listen to the children read individually out of their home/school reading book. The children will be listened to individually where necessary and by volunteers in school. Guided group reading will be weekly and children will be reading daily during phonics sessions.
Spellings are given out on a Friday to learn for the following Friday which we can practise at home.
Our ‘Show and Tell’ is on a Friday and this is a time when your child may bring into school anything which is special to them to talk about (excluding toys.) We choose approximately 5 children each week. If your child is unable to show one week, it will be moved into the following week.
At school we can earn individual house points and class marbles through our whole class working together. When we have earned a total of 25 marbles, we choose some whole class activities as a reward!
It may be helpful in the wetter months to have a pair of wellies in school. Whilst we do not have weekly Forest School sessions in Year One, we do go outside for some curriculum learning and we also visit the Forest School area throughout the year.