In the younger years, spelling patterns and phonics are taught through the scheme, ‘Floppy’s phonics.’
At Walkington, children start by spelling phonetically as well as listening for the sounds in words and syllables. This is done on a daily basis through everyday tasks, including reading books and reading with the children. High frequency words are taught explicitly to the children. These are taught during phonics lessons (which are done daily). Children are then taught how to write these words and to spell them correctly. Tricky words, including ‘was’ and ‘what’ are picked out and carefully looked at from an early stage. Children will consider what makes them tricky words and will use various rhymes/songs etc. to help them to remember why they are tricky.
In Year 1, stand-alone grammar lessons are taught on a daily basis, as well as looking at the Year 1 common exception words; these are informed through the National Curriculum. Children are assessed at the end of November. From these assessments, any incorrect words are highlighted and are sent home for parents to practice with their child. These spellings are individualised and personalised. Spelling Shed spellings go home with your child every week. These are usually linked to a phonics lesson that has been covered that week.
In Year 2, spelling lists are taken from Spelling Shed. These lists are given to the children every Friday, and they then undertake a test the following Friday. The spellings are put onto Spelling Shed for the children to practice. Each child has a ‘Look, say, cover, write’ book which they complete every morning with their spellings, as well as putting their spellings into sentences. Children are also encouraged to access Spelling Shed when they are at home.
In Years 3 and 4, children’s spellings are set through Spelling Shed. New spellings are given on a Monday with a sheet that the children take home. There is always an activity on the back of the sheet that is linked to the spellings for the children to complete. Spelling lists are also individualised if necessary. This spelling sheet is then brought back into school the following Monday. Children complete a spelling test on a weekly basis. If a child scores less than 10/10, they are given their book back and children have to work out which spellings are incorrect.
Children have a ‘Word of the day’ each day to focus on. These are from the statutory Year 3/4 words. Children are given the task of putting this word into a sentence at the start of the day. After lunch, children will then re-write the word of the day. On Friday, children are tested on some of the ‘word of the day’ words that have been looked at over the past two weeks (5 words).
Each child has access to the website, ‘Rollama.’ This is a website which focusses on spelling rules and patterns as well as punctuation and grammar. Children are set tasks that are related to the work that they have looked that particular week.
In Years 5 and 6, children’s spellings are set through Spelling Shed. New spellings are given on a Monday with a sheet that the children take home. There is always an activity on the back of the sheet that is linked to the spellings for the children to complete. Spelling lists are also individualised if necessary. This spelling sheet is then brought back into school the following Monday. Each child has the statutory Y3/4 and Y5/6 spelling lists at the front of their writing books for reference during writing tasks.
Each child has access to the website, ‘Rollama.’ This is a website which focusses on spelling rules and patterns as well as punctuation and grammar. Children are set tasks that are related to the work that they have looked at that particular week.